Week 3
1. Where are we and what are we looking at?
We went to 2 Willow Road, Wellcome Collection, and Hyde Park to develop our project’s storytelling. Firstly, at 2 Willow Road, we looked around Goldfinger’s house where is a modern built home in the 1930s, and it was a very modern architecture at that time.
And, we visited Wellcome Collection for Jo Spence’s exhibition. Her works show that her struggling against cancer with a variety of artistic expressions while she had been cancer.
Finally, we went to Hyde Park, looked around there through 'The Deep Listener' app that shows some creatures through 3D VR at Hyde Park, and we visited the other exhibition.
2. What culture, social, political, economic, artistic context is the place situated in?
Goldfinger’s modern house and Jo Spence’s exhibition are situated in culture and artistic context. Both places quite resemble each other because, firstly, when Goldfinger built his home in the 1930s, no one was not ready to embrace his thinking and modern architecture.
But modern architecture comes into the general use of architecture nowadays. His architecture shows his style and personality by an incomprehensible value of art at the time.
And Jo Spence’s exhibition shows the period of her struggling against cancer also she tried to use a variety of artistic expressions while she had been cancer. Through a variety of her feelings, she influences, encourages people who have cancer through a devoted and constant value of art.
In my opinion, Hyde Park is situated in the neutral of between culture and social context. In general, the public place reflects that ordinary people’s lifestyles and social.
3. Which methods have been used to display ideas?
Goldfinger made several items of the furniture himself and reflected his house by the emotional method in places of the inside of the house. Also, Jo Spence expressed her works through her a variety of feelings.
4. Which other disciplines have been connected to create the experience/exhibit/guided tour?
At Goldfinger's house, his brief background knowledge was explained through video media. And at Jo Spence's Exhibitions, she expressed her spirit through video media, photography, and the art of acting.
5. What culture, social, political, economic, artistic context is your project situated in?
My project is situated in the neutral of between culture and social like Hyde Park. It will show what the park means to ordinary people in the UK and South Korea.
6. Which skills do you have, and which one do you need to develop? How could you do that?
I will use the expression of visual graphics and a sense of touch to my project through body graph and scenario. To do that, I need drawing skills and recoding some sound.
7. Which disciplines could be included in your project research? And how?
I am going to conduct a survey through painting and audio medium, and I am going to highlight the advantages that they have.
8. How would you display the information included in your research?
I will constitute the information using the expression of visual graphics and a sense of touch or sound.
9. How can you utilize the methods and skills you have learned in the previous weeks to present a comparative research of your chooses interest from the UK to your home culture?
Firstly, I will use some collected research(body graph, comparing two countries' cultures, etc.) during the last three weeks and then polish research to map out a specific project plan with culture, social contexts. It is the process of my project roughly.
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