The body graph
I drew my body graph about when I visited the park in London, and I depicted my feeling that I felt in the park with all the senses of my body.
When I was feeding geese with biskets, I felt like being a king of this ecosystem. Because they had already known that I had some biskets, so almost 30 geese followed me during I was walking. This experience was so enjoyable, like being The Pied Piper of Hamelin. So I depicted the crown on the top of my head.
I depicted my shoes look like the shoes of leaves, in the park, there were many fallen leaves on the grassplot. So it felt it was like leaves surrounded my foot. That is why I did it.
And I depicted I am wearing primitive man's clothes, which means I just felt staying in a state of nature when I entered the park because there were no people while I was walking. It was like I am dropped in the period of primitive alone suddenly.
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