Observation Research

This week was done research with observation at the library, and counting how many smokers are at there. Moreover, I researched another method interview and mapping about smoking at the library. 
Before I observed smokers at the library, I had considered seven considerations for the observation at the library. Because I thought those seven things are that can affect to my observation's results.


I divided the day into three-time, and I expected the weather and temperature to also can be effective on the result. Also, I thought people who are smoking alone and people who are smoking with friends, they would have different results.

Measured how many smokers at a specific time and

a graphic chart

Through this graphic chart, generally, we can see the weather and temperature are not related to the rate of smokers. However, through the three days, the rate of smokers is similar at a specific time. Also in the morning, at noon, and at night, there was a clear difference in the rate of smokers that I expected. Let's see the next picture.

The three similarities show
that people are crowded at a certain time.

No.1, 2, and 3 show that at a specific time, smokers are smoking more than the other time near the library. We can guess these results would be related to the smoker's schedule or break time and, this guesswork will be discovered at the research of the interview. 

Pictures at the library at a specific time

I counted smokers at the library in every 5 minutes at that time. so through these pictures, we can see a difference in the rate of smokers at a specific time clearly.

Through the graphic chart, pictures, and the observation

1. Generally, people, who smoke alone they smoke faster than group

Through my observation, smoking alone is within 3min, smoking with friends is more than 3min

2. Generally, people, who smoke with friends they smoke more than 1 cigarette

Smoking alone is 1 cigarette, smoking with friends is at least 2 (For talking with friends)

3. There is sometimes a situation that solo will join a new group

The situation that when they borrow lighter to someone

4. At dinner, there are more smokers than at noon and in the morning

They have more spare time at dinner than at noon and in the morning

5. From 7pm, the number of smokers decreases dramatically

Time to go home

6. There are also people who are smoking E-cigarette, but not many

They smoke distantly from people who are smoking a normal cigarette

7. When it rain, there are more people who are smoking with standing

Because every seat is too wet

8. When it is windy and cold, smokers normally smoke quickly

But the weather is not much related to the rate of people who are smoking

Through the observation at the library

1. Every smoker smoke near the entrance of the library

Except for smoker who is smoking E-cigarette

2. People who smoke alone they usually smoke at the corner

Generally, a group of smokers smokes a cigarette at the entrance of the library

3. People who smoke alone usually sit and smoke

People who smoke with friends they stand and smoke


Another method

Through the observation research, pictures, mapping, and the graphic chart, I got objective researches about smokers. This time was to get subjective research with Graffiti and interview.

Place of attachment

I prepared 8 graffiti papers to attach three places that are in the main building, in the library, and in the student union.

The question on the paper, and why?

This question on the paper is ‘ why do you smoke and what is your purpose.’ When I finished the observation research, I recognized that I needed some subjective opinions. That is why I wrote those questions. 

And before I started the topic ‘people who are smoking at the library,’ I also expected people would smoke to reduce their stress through smoking. So I wanted to know my expectation is correct.

The result

Actually, these opinions are correct that I expected before except one view of them. The blue color shows that I expected, and the orange color shows that I never expected. I was surprised by the unexpected answer in the UK because this kind of social view is often seen in Korea society.

Nowadays, this has been dramatically reduced, but still, in Korean society, non-smokers are under pressure from smokers. I don't know exactly why, but this happens especially in the military. Anyway, the unexpected answer is quite an exciting discovery.


After the observation at the library, I got some curious things about smokers, and I wanted to know more deeply through the interview. So I had prepared five questions for them.

1. Are you studying in BA or MA course?

Master's programs generally have a higher volume of study than undergraduate programs. So this question is to see if the amount of smoking is related to the course.

2. Which type of cigarette do you smoke? and why?

The price varies depending on the type of cigarette. This is a question of whether there is a link between the number of students smoking and the price of cigarettes.

3. How many cigarettes do you usually smoke per day? and why?

Usually, students are much shorter financially than workers. but there are other advantages for students as well, for example, they have more time or more opportunities to see their friends. So this question was prepared to find out about them.

4. When do you normally smoke? and why?

This question is a kind of finding out the smoker's purpose why they smoke.


BA _ 1

1. Generally, all of them smoke a cigarette for getting a break time.

2. Students' course does not relate to having much to do with the amount of smoking.

3. Generally, they prefer to roll-up cigarettes than others. It seems to relate to the price.

4. Generally, they smoke more on campus than at home.


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