The process of the second project
Week 1
In addition, in order to know 'Macguffin', we proceeded to find one in the movie we had watched. I explained it through a movie called 'The man who became king'.
' The Man Who Became King '
Basically, we need to know the background of the Joseon dynasty’s history to understand this film.
This film’s story is a fiction film which is based on the Joseon dynasty at the end of 15c.
At that time, Joseon people’s life was terrible by after Japan invasion, so in that time of people just had a meal two times per day. However, King Gwanghae's meal was always luxurious.
' The story of this film '임진왜란_061314_1440_3?ckattempt=3
After the Japan invasion, the economy and politics of Joseon were terrible in and out of the country. So, King Gwanghae is so tired by many problems, and he wants to give up king.
One day he orders a faithful liege to find out people who resemble me. After that, the protagonist becomes from the lowest class to the king just a day. So this story talks about those stories.
On the first day of becoming the king, the protagonist sees the king’s meal that he has never seen in his whole life and, he eats in a hurry like a beggar. But while he was having a meal, court ladies’s face were not good. After that, he has heard the court ladies eat always a meal that is left by the king.
Since then, he leaves a bowl of red bean porridge and gives away as much food as possible to the court ladies. Also, he forgives his bodyguard people who tried to kill him and gives the bowl of red bean porridge to his bodyguard instead of punishment.
'The bowl of red bean porridge shows the protagonist’s warm heart'
Character relationship chart
Character relationship chart
' The group of people '
Those who smoke and rest in front of the library - Cigarette and E-cigarette
Why did I pick this topic? Fistly, I started with personal interested in this kind of topic.
A library is a cultural place and especially, the library in the school is for students. So the library is a kind of working place, and the place where students learn and create something.
When we are at a working place, we can see people who are smoking at the working place. So like the preceding, at the library we can see the people who are smoking easily. The people who are smoking, they generally smoke for reducing their stress.
When we are at a working place, we can see people who are smoking at the working place. So like the preceding, at the library we can see the people who are smoking easily. The people who are smoking, they generally smoke for reducing their stress.
' Alcohol, tobacco, stress, dangerous secrets '
Youngdon, Lee (2000)
But through this research data, we could know smoking is not related to stress.
A jolt of cigarettes may help your people stay awake during class, but the effects are fleeting. Instead, cigarettes make our body more stress.
But why they smoke?
Also, there are three types of cigarettes, but why there are three types of cigarettes?
Those researches made me having curious about this topic(the group of people who are smoking at the library).
Week 2
In week 2, we visited V/A museum and took a more in-depth look at and practice a single topic of our choice through a variety of surveys (interviews, book references, internet searches, etc.).
In this museum, I researched work on the subject of death.
' Soul at Death '
- Object:Relief
- Place of origin:Naples (made)
- Date:1620-1630 (made)
- Artist/Maker:Azzolino, Giovanni Bernardino, born 1572 - died 1645 (sculptor)
- Materials and Techniques:Relief, colored wax on painted glass in deep stained and gilt box frame.
- Credit Line:Waxes showing the fate of the soul
These dramatic and highly realistic wax sculptures depict the possible fate of the immortal soul. According to Catholic doctrine, the soul is judged at death and sent to Heaven for eternal reward, Hell for eternal punishment, or Purgatory for a period of purifying repentance.
These sculptures were probably for private devotion, a potent reminder of the terrifying fate of damnation and that time in Purgatory could be lessened through the prayers of the living.
This work dealing with death is related to the 16th century religious part.
In those days, prayer in real life helped the deceased, and this was their absolute belief. Therefore, this work is like a prayer consciousness of the person who lived for the dead.
According to the book ‘Death, Religion and the Family in England 1480-1750' (Ralph Houlbrooke, 1988), in the 16th century, religion made life's uncertainty about death, also gave God's constant command to those who were about to die and to those who were waiting for it.
Therefore, this work has a religious aspect of the 16th century, and through this work, finding a relationship between a living person and death is a kind of past lifestyle.
' Day of the Dead '
Another cultural aspect of the past and present related to death is Day of the Dead.
Mexicans who recognize the value of death and accept it positively believe that those who passed away come down to meet their family and friends once a year. On day two, they pray for the dead. On the day for the dead people, Mexicans make skull sculptures and bone-shaped candy with sugar and chocolate and put the names of the dead on the altar. In some places, they go to the graveyards of deceased family and friends, bringing tequila and cigarettes for dead adults and toys for dead children.
' coco '
( This film-related to the story of the day of the dead. )
Mexicans recognize death as a friendly being from an aesthetic point of view through the festival.
On the other hand, 'Soul of Death,' they see death from a religious point of view, and they have a no-nonsense attitude about death. However, both works are essentially the same in honor of the dead.
Here is another sculptor who works on the theme of death, she is...
' Caroleinsmit '
Medusa with a skull (2015), Ceramics. ( )
Untitled (2006), Ceramics.
( )
Smit borrows themes from classical mythology and biblical tales, such as greed, power and impotence, vanity, perishableness, and death. so, through her theme, the ugly but adorable, or the frightening but fragile, provides a reminder about the vulnerability and impermanence of life, and the inevitability of death.
Through her works and theme, we could see she wants to show us the death is inevitable in our life. As in my opinion, the first time when I saw her works in the bookstore, I felt a bit disgusted with death. Because generally, people would not like to accept death while they are living, so that is why I felt a bit bad with her works. However, when I was watching her works more and more, I just realized that death is also a part of our life, and we cannot escape from death. So I think she would say we also should accept death and make it happier.
So, through those three works, we could see a point of sameness that death is inevitable, and when we try to think of death differently, it would be acceptable. their works aim are the same, but they have a different way of expression of death.
In the future, we will be able to face death more lately by the development of bioscience, and yet death will be still inevitable. There will be some people who try to avoid death and some people will accept death. But unchangeableness in the future is human is still a mortal.
Through this week 2, I was able to practice one subject through various research methods.
Week 2.5
In this week 2.5, we proceeded to look for 'MacGuffin' through previous projects. It also examined what perspectives(social, political, cultural, etc.) the previous works had.
' MacGuffin '
with the previous project
The natural concert hall in Seoul
' culture ------- park '
The previous project was a kind of hybridization between two differences cultures, so I combined Koreans demands to their park in Seoul with the UK culture. So the previous project can be an aspect of cultural view because the park is a part of the culture. But it does not only include a cultural point, and it includes social and political things.
For example, through the interview with Koreans, they want parks in Korea that have more green space and trees in their park. But why Koreans want that kind of park? This question is related to Korea history and political things. So, the previous project includes cultural, social, and political situations.
Through the interview, we can see Koreans want special things the park that they want to see in the park, it is their demands in an aspect of culture. Thus their demands were related to the UK culture.
But we should know why Koreans want the park that has more green space and many trees in the park. Through the research, we could understand most of Korea's territory is trees and mountains. That is one of the reasons they cannot see the park which is such a big area and extensive green space. And the other reason is that their territory is always having a lack of space to build the park. Moreover, they have a lack of area to create a living place, so making space for the park is not always the order of priority.
The previous project was the link to address Korean needs through British culture, and the natural concert hall served as a MacGuffin linking the two cultures.
This week 2.5, I basically practiced how to find McGuffin.
Week 3
In week 3, was a class before the winter vacation, and it was time to take a look back at our design process. And I organized the design timeline in my own way.
Through this exercise, we learned how to create our own design timeline, and based on that, my design timeline was created.
1. This process is the process of recording and listening to their needs through their first meeting with the client. And during this process, keeping a detailed record of their requirements and preparing for the next meeting.
2. This process is the process of explaining the overall design process to the client. In this process, the client would know roughly how the direction of the design flows.
3. This process is the process of planning the direction of the design investigation. Keeping the date of appointment with the client is the most important, so this is the first step to conducting an investigation effectively in a limited time.
5. Based on the design plan, this is an indirect investigation. This step involves thinking about and asking the questions you need, such as interviews and surveys, and seeing experts in the process.
6. This process is a direct investigation based on indirect research. This process includes interviews, surveys, and observations.
7. This process combines the results from the direct and indirect investigation and produces materials for midterm presentations.
8. This process is a midterm presentation, where the designer rethinks the client's requirements.
9. Based on the mid-announcements, this is the stage of planning for the next survey — the process of planning an investigation with more specific ideas and processes than the first step.
10. Based on the previous process, indirect and direct research is carried out simultaneously for a specific idea. It means a narrow and deep range of investigations, not a wide range of studies.
11. Based on the results of the narrowed surveys, it is the process of combining the final results.
12. This process is the process of creating a design based on the surveyed results before the final presentation. The final presentation is also made during this process.
2. This process is the process of explaining the overall design process to the client. In this process, the client would know roughly how the direction of the design flows.
3. This process is the process of planning the direction of the design investigation. Keeping the date of appointment with the client is the most important, so this is the first step to conducting an investigation effectively in a limited time.
5. Based on the design plan, this is an indirect investigation. This step involves thinking about and asking the questions you need, such as interviews and surveys, and seeing experts in the process.
6. This process is a direct investigation based on indirect research. This process includes interviews, surveys, and observations.
7. This process combines the results from the direct and indirect investigation and produces materials for midterm presentations.
8. This process is a midterm presentation, where the designer rethinks the client's requirements.
9. Based on the mid-announcements, this is the stage of planning for the next survey — the process of planning an investigation with more specific ideas and processes than the first step.
10. Based on the previous process, indirect and direct research is carried out simultaneously for a specific idea. It means a narrow and deep range of investigations, not a wide range of studies.
11. Based on the results of the narrowed surveys, it is the process of combining the final results.
12. This process is the process of creating a design based on the surveyed results before the final presentation. The final presentation is also made during this process.
Week 4
Through weeks 1, 2 and 3, we practiced how to find 'MacGuffin' and how to relate it to our subject. In week 4, I looked deeper into my chosen topic through my own research methods(interview, survey, graffiti, observation, drawing, and photo.).
6 methods(Observation+ Photo)
This week was done research with observation at the library, and counting how many smokers are at there. Moreover, I researched another method interview and mapping about smoking at the library.
Before I observed smokers at the library, I had considered seven considerations for the observation at the library. Because I thought those seven things are that can affect to my observation's results.
I divided the day into three-time, and I expected the weather and temperature to also can be effective on the result. Also, I thought people who are smoking alone and people who are smoking with friends, they would have different results.
Pictures at the library at a specific time
I counted smokers at the library in every 5 minutes at that time. so through these pictures, we can see a difference in the rate of smokers at a specific time clearly.
6 methods(Graph)
This research method visualizes the results of observation methods on a graph chart. This is to make it easier to understand visually through the observation method.
Measured how many smokers at a specific time and
a graphic chart
Through this graphic chart, generally, we can see the weather and temperature are not related to the rate of smokers. However, through the three days, the rate of smokers is similar at a specific time. Also in the morning, at noon, and at night, there was a clear difference in the rate of smokers that I expected. Let's see the next picture.
The three similarities show
that people are crowded at a certain time.
No.1, 2, and 3 show that at a specific time, smokers are smoking more than the other time near the library. We can guess these results would be related to the smoker's schedule or break time and, this guesswork will be discovered at the research of the interview.
The summary through three methods
(Observation, Photo, Graph)
1. Generally, people, who smoke alone they smoke faster than group
Through my observation, smoking alone is within 3min, smoking with friends is more than 3min
2. Generally, people, who smoke with friends they smoke more than 1 cigarette
Smoking alone is 1 cigarette, smoking with friends is at least 2 (For talking with friends)
3. There is sometimes a situation that solo will join a new group
The situation that when they borrow lighter to someone
4. At dinner, there are more smokers than at noon and in the morning
They have more spare time at dinner than at noon and in the morning
5. From 7pm, the number of smokers decreases dramatically
Time to go home
6. There are also people who are smoking E-cigarette, but not many
They smoke distantly from people who are smoking a normal cigarette
7. When it rain, there are more people who are smoking with standing
Because every seat is too wet
8. When it is windy and cold, smokers normally smoke quickly
But the weather is not much related to the rate of people who are smoking
6 methods(Drawing)
This research method visualizes the results of observation through graphical drawing. This method shows more specific visual data about the library.
1. Every smoker smoke near the entrance of the library
Except for smoker who is smoking E-cigarette
2. People who smoke alone they usually smoke at the corner
Generally, a group of smokers smokes a cigarette at the entrance of the library
3. People who smoke alone usually sit and smoke
People who smoke with friends they stand and smoke
6 methods(Survey/ Interview)
This survey method was conducted to hear the subjective opinions of the survey subjects, except for the objective survey.
After the observation at the library, I got some curious things about smokers, and I wanted to know more deeply through the interview. So I had prepared five questions for them.
1. Are you studying in BA or MA course?
Master's programs generally have a higher volume of study than undergraduate programs. So this question is to see if the amount of smoking is related to the course.
2. Which type of cigarette do you smoke? and why?
The price varies depending on the type of cigarette. This is a question of whether there is a link between the number of students smoking and the price of cigarettes.
3. How many cigarettes do you usually smoke per day? and why?
Usually, students are much shorter financially than workers. but there are other advantages for students as well, for example, they have more time or more opportunities to see their friends. So this question was prepared to find out about them.
4. When do you normally smoke? and why?
This question is a kind of finding out the smoker's purpose why they smoke.
BA _ 1
BA _ 2
BA _ 3
BA _ 4
MA _ 1
The summary of this method
1. Generally, all of them smoke a cigarette for getting a break time.
2. Students' course does not relate to having much to do with the amount of smoking.
3. Generally, they prefer to roll-up cigarettes than others. It seems to relate to the price.
4. Generally, they smoke more on campus than at home.
6 methods(Graffiti)
Another method
Through the observation research, photo, drawing, and the graph, I got objective researches about smokers. This time was to get subjective research with Graffiti.
Place of attachment
I prepared 8 graffiti papers to attach three places that are in the main building, in the library, and in the student union.
The question on the paper, and why?
This question on the paper is ‘ why do you smoke and what is your purpose.’ When I finished the observation research, I recognized that I needed some subjective opinions. That is why I wrote those questions.
And before I started the topic ‘people who are smoking at the library,’ I also expected people would smoke to reduce their stress through smoking. So I wanted to know my expectation is correct.
The result
Actually, these opinions are correct that I expected before except one view of them. The blue color shows that I expected, and the orange color shows that I never expected. I was surprised by the unexpected answer in the UK because this kind of social view is often seen in Korean society.
Nowadays, this has been dramatically reduced in Korean society, but still, in Korean society, non-smokers are under pressure from smokers. I don't know exactly why, but this happens especially in the military. Anyway, the unexpected answer is quite an exciting discovery.
Nowadays, this has been dramatically reduced in Korean society, but still, in Korean society, non-smokers are under pressure from smokers. I don't know exactly why, but this happens especially in the military. Anyway, the unexpected answer is quite an exciting discovery.
Week 5
Throughout the four weeks, various results were obtained. Based on these exercises and results, I found some exciting things that were soon reflected in the final output.
Through these 6 methods, I’ve got many results about the group of people who are smoking at the library. Actually, most of the results were they smoke to make less stress and to feel nice. But there is the result that I never expected. It is peer pressure.
However, with this result(peer pressure), I had a question. I thought that England is one of the countries that represent Western, is more personal than Korean society. Also, I believed British people don't care much about the eyes of others. But this result(peer pressure) was the opposite of what I had in mind.
So, I researched this website again. This graph, the research method I used in the first project, is a website that shows cultural differences between countries. And based on six characteristics, it shows cultural disposition by country.
When you see this bar chart, especially these two parts(Indulgence, Individualism) are related to my topic(peer pressure). According to the website, if the scores of these two parts(Indulgence, Individualism) are high, there is a lot of free speech in society, and relatively the people tend to not care much about the gaze of others.
So, that is why I chose this topic(peer pressure).
After setting the theme, I summarized my thoughts about the topic 'peer pressure'. In the end, this theme points to the problem of living by the gaze of others and by the eyes of others, rather than walking own our way.
So, I decided to make the theme of the film 'The Path', which means to walk in my way, which is unshakable.
So, through his research, I studied a variety of facial expressions, which helped me to make a storyboard in the future.
Week 6
Throughout last week, I researched the basic background of the film and through that, I went on to write 'McGuffin' and storyboard.
Before proceeding with the storyboard, I had to provide some preliminary information about the protagonist. The persona was based on a man who is more feminine than a man who is masculine because he thought he could experience a wider range of psychological impulses.
Since the background of the film is a surreal feeling, it gives meaning to each of the objects. Each object has various meanings.
My McGurpin is fake eyes. This is a temporary measure to avoid peer pressure. So the hero of the scenario tries to overcome by closing his eyes and putting fake eyes on it.
But macguffin also means it is only temporary measures.
The contents of the storyboard are as follows. Suffering from 'peer pressure', the hero tries to escape with 'fake eyes' at two moments of temptation. However, he realizes that the method of overcoming using 'fake eyes' is a temporary solution, and tries to walk his own way.
But this story is based on Sherry Amatenstein's research, becuase she mentions how do we overcome when we face our fears.
According to her study, there are two ways of escaping and avoiding our fears that is exposure therapy and facing your fear. Firstly, exposure therapy is when we face our concerns for the first time, we will be very anxious. But the second time and the next time, we could overcome and get less damage from our fears. In summary, being exposed to fear can help you cope with it.
The second is to face the object we are trying to avoid. It is natural for anyone to feel overwhelmed by the terror we are about to face, but if we overcome it and face it, it no longer gives us overwhelming.
Thus, the story of this film is also a story of overcoming the fear that the main character will face through Sherry Amatenstein's research.
Before the video was taken, in addition to the storyboard, we did a temporary simulation to prepare for the shot. In this exercise, I learned how to focus the camera, the camera's angle, and its location.
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