' MacGuffin '

with the previous project

The natural concert hall in Seoul

' culture     -------     park ' 

The previous project was a kind of hybridization between two differences cultures, so I combined Koreans demands to their park in Seoul with the UK culture. So the previous project can be an aspect of cultural view because the park is a part of the culture. But it does not only include a cultural point, and it includes social and political things. 

For example, through the interview with Koreans, they want parks in Korea that have more green space and trees in their park. But why Koreans want that kind of park? This question is related to Korea history and political things. So, the previous project includes cultural, social, and political situations.

Through the interview, we can see Koreans want special things the park that they want to see in the park, it is their demands in an aspect of culture. Thus their demands were related to the UK culture.

But we should know why Koreans want the park that has more green space and many trees in the park. Through the research, we could understand most of Korea's territory is trees and mountains. That is one of the reasons they cannot see the park which is such a big area and extensive green space. And the other reason is that their territory is always having a lack of space to build the park. Moreover, they have a lack of area to create a living place, so making space for the park is not always the order of priority.

The previous project was the link to address Korean needs through British culture, and the natural concert hall served as a MacGuffin linking the two cultures.


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