The process of a project
This project’s aim is to understand two different cultures and to combine two cultures.
In the first week, looking around south bank, we found out 40 familiar and unfamiliar things and then chose one of 40 elements. It was the difference between Korea and the UK park's culture. The difference experience between two different countries' cultures begins from where we were born, living. Because, when we grow up in Korea or the UK, we will experience extremely different things in each countries' people. So, a distinctive experience that comes from different cultures gives more exciting things. So, before choosing the topic and combining two countries’ cultures, I needed the process that finds out more detail information.
The sequence of projects carried out in this process is briefly listed. my project was done through these 5 processes.
1.Topic selection
2.Indirect investigation
3.Firsthand investigation
4.The direction of the project
5.The introduction of the project
1.Topic selection
In this process, I found out 40 things that I was interested in around south bank, and then, I chose 20 things them and collected one thing that is the most interesting for me. so, my topic is the park.
2.Indirect investigation
After topic selection, I investigated about the park by using indirect investigation. (Firstly, cultural differences between England and Korea, secondly, through performances, examine what could happen in the park, and finally, the overall background check on the park).
Firstly, cultural differences between England and Korea (Through the website)
( )
Through this study, we could see the general differences between British and Korean cultures, and this survey was a process to help us understand the underlying cultural backgrounds of the two countries.
Furthermore, I think Korea and England are one of the countries representing the West and the East, and this site also showed fundamental cultural differences between the East and the West.
Through these performances, it was the process to find out what could happen in the park, the difference between the Korean and British parks, before a direct investigation.
I collected data on the number of parks in the two countries and what are usually trees in the parks and conducted a necessary data survey.
3.Firsthand investigation
Through indirect research, cultural differences between the two countries, basic information about parks was obtained. and through the firsthand investigation, I got more detail information.
The body graph
This process is kind of using our sense and then find out some distinctive things. I went out to the park, and I worked on it, and I could see what was the most outstanding feature of the park, besides the park that I examined indirectly.
As a great feature, I knew that the sense of hearing is the most feeling in the park that I felt.
The recording sound in the park
1. The horse sound in the park
2. The sounds of cutting grass
3. The sound of walking on the dried land
4. The sounds of children
5. The sound of walking on the asphalt road
6. The sound of walking on the grass
7. The sound of walking at the lake
8. The sound of walking on the wet grass
The interview (I have a tech problem, so I could not upload my recording files)
It was a survey where people in England, Koreans, think about their park. As a result of the interviews, people in Korea think that going to the park is not as common as people in England, and they usually go on a special day.In addition, in the research phase of the British and Korean cultural differences, the UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE section had 85 points for Korea and 35 for Britain. So that means In these cultures there is an emotional need for rules (even if the rules never seem to work) time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy and work hard, precision.
Through this survey, we learned about the connection between the content of the interview and the cultural differences between Korea and the U.K. and I could see there is some logical connection.
4.The direction of the project
Through the final investigation, I suggested cultural hybridization between Korean's 'needs' about their park and unusual things in the British park by using the keyword 'the sense of hearing.
‘The natural concert hall’ is inspired by the British park where has huge green space and a barbican concert hall. It will satisfy Korean’s desires that they want the park. In Korea, which is relatively hard to see natural parks, this pure natural space will provide Koreans with a special experience and will be a place to enjoy with their lovers on a special day.
I designed the natural concert hall by using natural materials and the shape of the dome makes inside space is more echoing, and prevent noise from outdoor.
At the sunset
5.The introduction of the project
Materials in the natural concert hall
The harder the tree is, the less effective the soundproof it is. On the contrary, the weaker the material of the trees, the better the effect of soundproofing. ( 강춘원 ( Chun Won Kang), 이용훈 ( Youn Hun Lee), 강호양 ( Ho Yang Kang), 강욱 ( Wook Kang), 서혜란 ( Hui Ran Xu), 정우양 ( Woo Yang Chung ). 2011. 백합나무 횡단면 흡음성능의 방사방향 변이. 목재공학(Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology), 39(4): 326-332 )
Due to the special nature of the parks located in Korea, the tree that is readily available in Korea is Paulownia. Paulownia is weak inside the tree, so he plays an excellent role in soundproofing. Therefore, I will form Paulownia on the outside of the dome to prevent noise from coming from outside.
Conversely, the Zizyphus jujuba MILL tree is solid inside and is excellent for reflecting sound. So, inside the dome, I will use the Zizyphus jujuba MILL tree to form inside of the dome.
Zizyphus jujuba MILL
( Paulownia picture)
( Zizyphus jujuba MILL picture )
The composition of a concert
In the absence of orchestra performances, the theme of the day and night is organized differently, so during the day, the sounds of birds singing and trees swaying in the wind are played. It serves as a link for people to get closer to nature.
During the day, additional busking performances will hold in the hall with a reservation system. I do want to make the natural concert hall a place for everyone to enjoy. But every busker has to get a kind of test showing their skill of singing or playing a musical instrument. And then they could play at the natural concert hall. It aims to provide a better quality experience to the audience at the natural concert hall.
The orchestra's performances are held on different themes every week for a month. For example, this month is an orchestra that uses spring in all seasons.
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